Enhance use with Apple Pencil. (Pressure and tilt)

John Chidgey commented
Apple Pencil Tilt support would allow shading with pen selected and highlight width when highlighter selected, and eraser width with eraser selected. If such a mode were implemented you could also simplify the interface to not show the various width selectors for eraser and highlighter. I've wanted this for quite some time and it's clear I'm not the only one. Thanks in advance.
Marksman commented
Bought your software today and really like it. The extra pencil features would be great, pleeeaaassee!!!!
Anonymous commented
I use Goodnotes on iPad Pro with the Pencil to take notes during lectures all the time. They are a good combination indeed, but I find it difficult having to change to highlighter tool when I want to hightlight something. It'd be perfect if there's a "Tilt to Hightlight" option added in the Apple Pencil stylus setting.
Jay commented
Agreed, having the ability to use tilt for highlights or even eraser would be a game changer. Your use of the Apple Pencil is still hands down better than Notability. (which I deleted after using Goodnotes 4) I've beta tested for them for a long time but I'm done, Goodnotes for here on!
Nathanael commented
This is the only thing holding me back from purchase. A Tilt responsive realistic pencil like the Apple Notes app. I know you're proud of your realistic vector ink, but pencil tilt would be great, though difficult because most of what you do is vector and it looks like Apple do it raster, I know it would be a huge selling point for you none the less. Please add it and I'm sold.
Ankit Sinha commented
I have tried few others note-taking apps (penability, outline etc) for iPad Pro, and this is the MOST fantastic app. I completely replaced my need to have multiple note taking apps. Also, having the desktop version, which I can use as viewer for my notes from iPad is an AMAZING feature.
Please do add tilt features and perhaps addition of bookmarks / sections in each notebook. SImilar to how OneNote on Windows desktop does it!
Grega commented
Really missing feature is pencile. Being able to use pencile as it is in Apple notes would be just perfect.
Anonymous commented
It would be nice to have labels and stickers as well, similar to what is in Noteledge app. When you are planning a trip or creating a Travel log, stickers and labels will make if more colorful and fun. Another feature that is in Noteledge app is inserting or recording a video. Also they have in-app browser where you can search for pictures and crop out sections you want and place it in the app which is very cool. If you think my idea is going to be a great addition please vote for my idea "Insert Videos, Stickers, Internet Cropping tool"
Brian C. Wadell commented
tip over eraser
Mike commented
Having tilt do highlighting would be groovy!
Anonymous commented
I second this
Alok Singh commented
Adding tilt support and a ruler would make this better than Apple Notes in *every* way.
DMuncer commented
This app is already the best note taking app available by far. I have tried many others and this is the easiest to use while giving excellent results - I have created different templates easily and it is a joy to use.
I now have an iPad Pro and the Apple Pencil and if GoodNotes was to add in the same drawing capabilities that are in the latest Apple Notes (including a pencil drawing option in addition to the two pen types), this would make GoodNotes the 'must have' note taking application for anyone with the Apple Pencil.
Matthias K commented
Plz. Add pencil, tools like in Apples Noltes and make nicer paper tampletes (e.g. Rough paper) and enable to load data from Drive App ... Then it would be possible to work offline... Then the app is close to perfection. :P
Tobias commented
Fountain pen behaves almost exactly like ball pen. Please do something about this. Mushy old styluses produces better looking handwriting right now.
serrulez commented
Activate rubber when holding the apple pencil very horizontally.
Since youre not processing the pencil angle, this would be a first idea how to use the apple pencil capacities. -
David Sanders commented
I like that GoodNotes already seems to use Apple Pencil pressure, but I hope that tilt would be optional. My writing position varies quite a bit between not very tilted and very tilted and it would be really annoying if that affected the shape of the stroke. Also, Apple's own Notes app provides a pencil brush in drawing mode that changes with tilt. I basically can't use it because tilt affects it too much and the stroke width becomes annoying wide very quickly making it impractical for normal use.
Jason volenec commented
I am not able to Copy and paste with Apple pencil. More specifically, I can lasso and copy, but not able to paste what I have 'copied'. I am sure the solution is simple but it is eluding me. Can anyone help;0
Jordan L commented
I believe that pressure sensitivity is already done, tilt support is not however. I have the iPad pro and apple pencil which I use with Goodnotes 4 all the time.
F commented
Totally agree. I really like the feeling of the iOS notes app's pencil (software pencil) while using my apple pencil (hardware).