Add support for owncloud

Anonymous commented
Owncloud and WebDAV please
Anonymous commented
me to
Paul Kolodziejczyk (kelevra42) commented
OwnCLoud and/or WebDAV would be a useful feature for privacy-concerned and enterprise users
Anonymous commented
Such a support would be very nice indeed and will boost app usage at many institution of education
Anonymous commented
please insert a sync function
Jacob Huber commented
Would be great if could do this.
Mikhail Ioffe commented
Please guys, OwnCloud or Web Dav support would be so important for many users! Why haven't you added it yet?
Ratchaphon Manosuthi commented
Please, this is important for enterprise users/privacy-concerned users.
mario commented
me too!!!!
Anonymous commented
That would be perfect.
It is very urgent for my work -
Anonymous commented
me too
Mr Lin commented
yes, way not owncloud ?? please add owncloud for backup!
Anonymous commented
My favorit sync tool is owncloud. It would be perfect!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anonymuous commented
Me, to! This will be mic!
Anonymous commented
I use ownCloud and I would prefer such a feature to sync with.