More color options in top menu bar (more than just 3)
On OneNote I have 14 different colored pens and highlighters up top. GoodNotes is superior to one note in almost every way except this one. I color code my notes, so I am forced to used one note. If I were to try and color code using goodnotes, it would take me hours longer because there are so many extra clicks to get to the correct color of pen or highlighter. Having more color options up top and allowing both pens and highlighters in the menu bar like one note would be amazing.
There is plenty of room up there, changing pen thickness is not important enough to have that much space up top, other colors are. But honestly there is plenty of room for more colors, you could just shift the thickness all the way to the right and the other menu options all the way to the left and have room for 10 more colors.

Adam Brown commented
Yes we need more than just 3 colors, this is one of the reasons why I'm going back to notability
Dyce Lau commented
Dyce Lau commented
Hope everyone can share this link to everywhere and everyone you know. Really need this to happen! Note taking is so difficult when you only have 3 colors to select quickly. Especially when your class is moving at a face pace and your lecturers talks so fast! Please please please 🙏🏻
priya p commented
THIS!!! please
Leif commented
I agree. There should be 5 of 6 colors to quickly pick from. Either in the top menu (there is enough space if we use the iPad in horizontal mode), or an advanced color preset list that we can slide out and place it at one of the other borders of the ipad.
Or give us a custom color picker list that opens on a gesture and closes after picking a color.
Being limited to 3 colors is so annoying that I switched to another app for some type of content.
Darren Chow commented
yes please, i can't believe this feature has been requested by so many over years and goodnotes have not implemented this yet. i use at least 5 colors for my notes highlighting and its annoying to have to click at least twice if i need to change to a colour that is not the 3 on the toolbar. PLEASE ALLOW US TO ADD MORE COLOURS TO THE TOOLBAR!!!!!
Lorenzo Rota commented
Unistalling because of this. It’s such a basic feature…
Tristan Zh commented
Please, this is a MUST feature
Bucks Lin commented
WOW! that's what I'm looking for, at least 5-6 quick color selections on toolbar for smooth noting, PLEASE!!!!!
Framo HD commented
I totally agree, if there is not space enough you can make us able to delete some tools that we don’t use, I for example never used laser pointer or sticker option. If I could able to not see them there will be 2 more spot for color options that I will add and use them
Christoph Spielvogel commented
This is an important improvement! Please include this on the next version. :)
Maybe you can do this by creating a moveable bar on the side. -
Aishlin Astrid Almaraz Zamora commented
i totally agree, please do this for the next actualization
EigenTheory commented
I totally agree! The color choices are such a PITA to have to open the color panel every time, as I also use about 6 colors regularly on each page of my assignments!
Trash Mail commented
Best suggestion ever. If I could choose only one change for GoodNotes… just ONE… it would be this. I would honestly consider paying more money for just that. Idk what that says about me, but I REALLY WANT THIS
Thomas G commented
Even if they made it a setting - the option to expand to 5, 7 or 10 colours!
Madhusa commented
I don't get why the devs are so stubbornly against adding this. Three colours is just too limiting when trying to do mind maps and organise concepts
Joshua Jimenez commented
I wholeheartedly agree. As a law student who uses GoodNotes to annotate all our cases, I use at least five different highlighter colors per case. Having more colors accessible quickly would really help especially when reading hundreds of pages against a timer.
Carlos Salinas commented
Totally agree, at least a combo box menú with 7 color and 1 customized option
Herman Fung commented
Please add more than 3 colours and pen sizes to the tool bar. It should be a simple add and a HUGE quality of life improvement!!!!!! This should be such a simple task
Adrian Taricani commented
Yup def need this for work.