Sub-Outline in Outlines
When I import some PDFs their outlines are imported too. I love this feature. I have noticed that when this happens, the outlines have sub-outlines to make navigating the outlines easier.
However, I can not create this in my own GoodNotes outlines. It only works when I import a PDF that already has this structure built into it.
I would like to have a feature in GoodNotes where I can create sub-outlines in my notebooks.

Juliette Cabrera commented
This is definitely needed and makes no sense as to why AI is included in the updates $23 version but not this? If it’s possible with PDF’s downloaded, why can’t users do the same? Scrolling through multiple outlines and multiple pages is getting old!
Sanyaa S. commented
please add this feature - it's essential to making 100+ page study notes!
Iris Xia commented
Please please add this feature!!!
042_ Kasthala Sanjay Raj commented
I work with around more than 150 pages and sometimes even till 300…there are lot of chapters and a lot of topics and subtopics …I would love if there is option of creating sub outlines which will make my life a lot easier
Ahmed M commented
This feature is very crucial for pdfs with multiple pages. This sub-outline system would be very helpful for navigating the pdfs
Jian Lee commented
Please add this feature!! It's a must!
Yang commented
That would be super helpful!
Alyssa Griffin commented
Please! It would make class notes so much more organized!
Dan commented
Why can't user perform this with our own notes? If I upload a PDF with stacked headings, it works just fine in Goodnotes.
CHAU Thanh Tri commented
This will be so helpful as I write a lot of handwritten notes, almost like writing a book. I need a proper table of contents for what I wrote. Please implement this. Shouldn't be too hard, given that we already have table of contents with outlines and sub-outlines for pdf files.
Julia Blessing-Plötner commented
That would be super helpful! Especially for my hundreds of pages of textbook pdfs I imported for studying which come without an outline of their own…
Fanny DD commented
That and being able to assign headings to the different elements of the outline!
The most common and convenient method would be using the # (as is possible in Notion and in many coding markups).
# = heading 1
## = heading 2
### = heading 3
And so forth -
Nikita Jegorovs commented
Really need this feature
Jonathan Holland commented
Please please PLEASE add this!!
Geezer commented
That's what I want to say! Goodnotes, we need this. PLZ!!!
Kasimir Tanner commented
Would much appreciate this feature
Sangeet Rathi commented
Yeah it’ll make it much more convenient…….
Hugo commented
It would drastically improve the app for sure
Alex Dennis commented
Come onnnn GoodNotes, this would make note taking so much easier for my adhd brain!!!
Sadananth Sivakumar commented
Kindly add sub outlines feature