Hyperlink (paste URL)
It would be great if you could paste a URL and it be clickable from within a page!

Camille A.R. commented
In 2021 and still no link please add them over any other features for real...!
Tomoe commented
Due to lack of this hyperlink function, I’m even considering leaving GoodNotes and in fact I started to use Microsoft One Note instead...in the process of moving files over to One Note.
Please please add this function. -
Anonymous commented
Please add ability to link from GoodNotes to URLs from within app.
Links to jump to specific pages within GoodNotes notebooks would be nice, too.
Anna commented
I just discovered that this is not possible in GoodNotes 5 and I am heartbroken. Even the native apple Notes app can do it.
Anonymous commented
This feature request is 8 years old. I’m starting to doubt that feature requests are a feature of GoodNotes
Mads commented
please..we are begging you....hyperlinks pLease!!!!!
Anonymous commented
If you add up all the requests for this under the different request, this probably has more requests than ANY OTHER THING. How is this not available? It's almost weird that this can't be done.
Mom commented
Please add ability to insert hyperlinks!
Georg Pelzer commented
Please! Such a basic feature...... and if you can, add a link-preview or embed option....... I would love to just drag a video, a link, anything to my notes...... I use Goodnotes for creativity and including all kinds of media directly in my notes would be a HUGE plus for me!
ณัฐกิตต์ เนตรศิวะวิเชียร commented
prince commented
yes hyperlink needed!!!
Nici commented
Yes! We need hyperlinks!
Andreas commented
Yes, please!
Anonymous commented
Please, I need to be able to insert hyperlinks in my document on the Goodnotes app. A vote yes for me!
Anonymous commented
Yes please, we need hyperlinks!!!
Tonya commented
could really use hyperlinks for the multiple zoom/webex meetings/training courses I have on a weekly basis. thx
Shirsendu commented
Yes please!!
Astro 888 commented
GoodNotes: 2013 Suggestions ??!!!! Is there anybody home ??!!!
Jessica commented
I would like the ability to add a website link in my notes. I use this app to create my knitting and crochet patterns, and I would like to be able to add links to my website so when customers download the PDF pattern they can click on links.
Anonymous commented
+1 for this suggestion!