Graphite Pencil is a must, flow by moleskin has a great pencil it really enhances the note taking experience. If Goodnotes had this capability it would become my sole note taking app.
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Jay Roper commented
Goodnotes needs to add a pencil function along with increased pen textures to the app. I think looking at procreate pens would be good to understand all the different textures there could be for pens and pencils.
James commented
A pencil tool would be great for sketching and markups… many of us love that traditional look and it’d compliment the look of our notes, especially for scientific or mathematical diagrams.
Jass commented
As popular as this app is im really surprised at how limited the pen/drawing/painting tools are. I like to draw and paint pictures with my notes. Hate to have to go to another app just to do that. If there are more tools this would be my go-to for everything.
minuter commented
I suggest a new pen function additionally.
1) a crayon pen
2) a pencil, not a mechanical pencil
3) a monoline pen -
Damira Ibragimova commented
I literally switched to CollaNote and stopped using GoodNotes5 because of the pencil tool they have. I love it so much I won’t come back to good notes until they have the pencil tool
Ben commented
Please add a "Pencil" in the options for writing to make it feel more natural.
Jenniferrr commented
I think a pencil for any sketches and just different pens in general that you could even possibly import would be cool! I would love to have a pencil!!!!
こういち commented
We have traditionally written with paper and pencil.
If we can create the unique texture of a pencil with this wonderful app, we believe that the role of the notebook as a canvas will increase even further. -
黃瀚徹 commented
Hi, We're Licensed Users, and we were bothered that we can not choose "pencil style " in GoodNotes.
When will you add this amazing feature ? We are desired look forward it !!! -
쨩민지 commented
Hi im korean user and i have been using 3 years well. Thnk u for ur constant effort. Plz Add more pen tools like waved-style pen or dotted-style pen!and i wanna see more colors of pen on dispaly itself. U know currently i see only 3 colors above. i want the select-bar??(i dont know what do i exactly call) to be more useful. I mean 4~5 colors that can be seen. And i really want the tip of highlighter to be rectangle. not only curved, also flat!! Just like highlighter tools in real. If that functions are too many to be seen, then you could make that pen tool bar movable within the display. Flexable when moving. That is all my request. I recognize the value of GN5. And it doesnt matter that the increase of payment is inevitable. Im willing to pay more if necessary. Thnks!
FREZIER commented
Have a pencil style, like in Apple Notes, it should be amazing for drawings. I don’t think you like drawing with pen in real life !
Ibarra Sandoval Axel Joany commented
Pleaseeeeee :c
Ash Sattler commented
Maybe add more pens like customisable ones or a graphite pencil one to make it see like real handwriting maybe like in the normal iOS notes app:
AYuanIndex commented
Add pencil strokes.
Nora Krava commented
It would be perfect if you added another type of pen, mimicking colour pencils. That would be a great addition, since all we have now is either a transparent highlighter or a solid marker. It should be precise, pressure sensitive, and angle of the apple pencil sensitive.
Cynn commented
Other then "ball pen", "fountain pen" and "brush pen", would it be possible to add a "pencil" in the pen style?
Laura Schütz commented
I would love this, too!
Especially the watercolour pen option as it would make bullet journaling so much prettier. -
Jagnishan Singh commented
Please add pencil feature along with pen because little rough texture helps to better shape of words, specifically when someone use screen guard which very smooth instead of paper texture guard or paper like. Please add
rolex david commented
This have lots of offers for every type online users.
Nilesh commented
Currently you have Fountain, Ball and Brush pen. It would be great to add a tool that resembles the actual traditional pencil made of graphite. Once we used in school days. Also the stroke to look like an actual pencil. Basically the one we find in apple notes app.