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Customer Suggestions for Goodnotes

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Customer Suggestions for Goodnotes



9107 results found

  1. I have documents open. I quit Goodnotes on my iPad Pro (swipe up). The next time a open Goodnotes I have to drill down into one of my folders to open one of my documents to open the section of the app that shows all of my documents I had previously been working on. A button on the home screen that lets me resume previous session without the drill down would be spectacular.

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  3. when you copy/paste something and add it at another place/page, you may not see everything, since it overlaps the page. As long as you still have the edit-window open, it's not an issue. However, when you tap on the page accidentally and you lose th edit-window, you're not able to see the text which is not directly on the page.

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  5. Allow "deviding" one page within a document into two separate ones.
    For instance; if there is a page with two excercises on it (1&2), it would be very helpful if you could "cut" or "divide" the page into two separate (smaller) pieces. This allows you to do exercise 1 right under the instructions, if there is not enough space to do so.

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  6. What is the reason of this situation?
    I don’t know what it is, how to remove it and how to prevent it
    Ao please tell me how to do

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  7. Email to Goodnote 5 is not a good feature.

    I have Goodnote 5 installed on my iPad and home computer Mac. The PDF files are no issue to sync. When I am in the compony which only use the Window 10 computer, I can't easily put the PDF file into the Goodnote easily. The easier method I know is to put the files into the Dropbox or cloud storage. Then, import the PDF files to the Goodnote 5 from Mac or iPad when I go back home. If I annotate the files using other software then follow the same steps…

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  8. I wish that in GN i can choose to add a new note page with the same size of the last PDF page so that all the pages of the book would keep regular.( or just with the same width can also help a lot) It’s important to keep standard by sliding, printing or sharing with others etc.

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  9. when I print my notes from Goodnotes 5, my letters are always cut out from the page. Why is this happening and how do I resolve it. It’s becoming highly annoying. I just don’t understand because my page is in A4 mode. ALSO HOW DO YOU CHANGE AN ENTIRE NOTEBOOK OF NOTES YOU'VE MADE ON GOODNOTES FROM STANDARD GOODNOTES PAPER TO A4 PAPER! Because I need to change my entire notebooks filled with work and it won’t allow me to change it normally. Please get back to me.
    Thank you

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  10. I usually type my notes and code. So sometimes I try to highlight and copy things in The text box and I and it Keeps moving instead of letting highlight/copy. I suggest the option of pining the text box in place (with right click option) so they text box won’t move when I copy from my notes

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  11. When I am inserting photos as a new page, I can only insert one photo at a time and could not insert more than one at a single instance.

    It saves lot of time for the users in case they want to insert screenshots of lessons they are going through online.

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  12. I now use Goodnotes as a virtual whiteboard for my lecture and it's been great so far :) That would be great to have some overlay goodies like a clock (with different themes and size options) that floats above the presenter page.

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  13. Right now if you want to export to multiple places like files and google drive you have to do it individually and name the file multiple times. It would be a lot easier if we could select multiple places when exporting.

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    1. Please add Up-Close Writing Mode because is ineffective having to Zoom In/Out for neatly writing or sketching numbers, equations, drawings, etc.

    2. Please add Presenter Mode when connected to a secondary Display. I want that an audience is just able to see the sketches that I do, not the tools that I’m using. It can be distracting.

    3. Please add the Laser Pointer to the Mac Version. I don’t understand why isn’t there, but I guess this would be a simple yet very effective improvement you could make for us.

    Like I mentioned to your CS through email: It’s simple just to…

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  14. 스크롤 방향이 수평과 수직이 있는데,
    어느 문서는 수직, 어느 문서는 수평으로 개별설정이 가능하도록 해주시면
    더욱 편할 것 같아요.

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  15. there are many gestures and keyboard shortcuts. despite searching the web, I have not been able to find a comprehensive list or overview of the various gestures and keyboard shortcuts.
    please show a combined list (list the short cut & the gesture behind the same function in the web or in the app under help
    thank you and keep up the great work

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  16. I’m a medical student in Japan. I can’t study medicine without good notes!
    Please give me another chance to free upgrade to GoodNotes 5.
    In addition,I’ve paid the full price for GoodNotes 4.
    I truely apologize for not getting the free upgrade before January 15th,2020 in spite of your highly recommendation.
    However, my father purchases GoodNotes 5 today and it made me want to use version 5 notes.
    I would be grateful if you could give me another chance!
    Very much needed! Please!!

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  17. Right now there are only two ways to search the text content of your notes. You can search in the file that is currently open or you can search all of your files at once. I think it would be extremely useful if you could specify which files to perform the search on.



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  18. I create a colour-coded key that I add to the top righthand corner of every page in my notebook (coded for priority).

    I manually add this to each new page. It would be great if I could add this to the template so it automatically appears on each new page.

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  19. It always takes so long to press export, select Google Classroom, and wait for the terrible extension to load. It often makes my work turned in late. So I think it will be a great idea to add a feature to export directly or quicker to other apps.

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