to introduce continuous scrolling for writing
If you reach the end of the paper it is uncomfortable to write. Instead of creating a new page by switching to the next side, you can offer the possibility for continuous scrolling downwards.
Veronica commented
This seems like a common sense thing. Why isn't this an option in 2024?!
Yusuf Kara commented
I totally agree with Julian. Writing at the last rows of the page is really hard! Please add the continuous page option just like in OneNote.
JL commented
This would be very helpful when working on math or physics problems. What I would add to this feature request is the ability to put in user defined page breaks later. So imagine I just took a big long string of notes from a meeting, brain storming session, or class. It's in one long page. I could then come back and put page breaks in or even better book marks in, in some graphical way of course. That would provide a nice custom index that would be a very powerful way of telling goodnotes what the structure of my note is.