GIF support when copying images and pasting to document
Ability for application to allow GIF images and to show animations.
Swayam Singal commented
Pls bring gif support
[Deleted User] commented
fuck, why are you ignoring our needs
fuck -
adesh chaudhary commented
Yes please , I do phase this issue while adding the ppt in good notes for note taking
Ari commented
h j commented
I really want this so much••••••plz let me see how orbits move at my note.....
Akash Cubers commented
Please add short-video/gif/animation support in notebooks for better visualization and make the notes more lively and understandable
Ashkan Aleali commented
Gif support and interactive videos would be so cool
Maike commented
Really need gifs like this one from the link below. Small animations would be awesome!!!!!! -
ADI-BOI commented
Pls add gifs i want to make my note more visually impressing Pls, pls, pls, pls I BEG U.......
Anonymous commented
Gif Gif Gif Gif Gif Gif... (repeat 1000 times)
Astro 888 commented
Go for Gif's Animations for Study!
Anonymous commented
Gif support would make good notes the number 1 note taking app
Vincent Wolff commented
It would be very helpful to have the ability to import gifs or videos
Dylan Tobin commented
Anonymous commented
Please add GIF support, it would be so helpfjl for a lot of subjects and users have been asking for it dor so long now.
Anonymous commented
please add GIF and Video support
Sherry commented
Hey Goodnotes developers!!! In case you missed it, customers have been asking for GIFs for like 3yrs now!!! What gives??? Do we get them or do we have to move on to better note taking apps that do have them??? #elephantintheroom #imjustsaying 🤷🏽♀️🤷🏽♀️🤷🏽♀️
Anonymous commented
I know its might be tricky to loop the animation all the time - hey how about add function by long press the gif pic - it currently says 'zoom|edit|paste' - with a 'preview' function so it would be 'zoom|edit|past|preview'
Anonymous commented
Add a recording and gif feature and it will not be hard to choose goodnotes
Arqum Abdullah commented
GIF support would really help with certain subjects/topics that require a short animation (currently using procreate to make them) to better understand the idea.