Better image placement and resizing options.
1 even when images are created at exactly the same resolution (as the PDF it is placed in) you still have to resize the image on import. I would like to have the option to place the image at the original size, instead of having to size it up. #2 resizing is a pain in the butt if you are trying to get absolute perfection. With the new drag and drop feature, if you hold too long on a corner, the entire image want you to drag and drop it somewhere and you have to start the resize over again. Plus, resizing jumps too many pixels either overshooting or undercutting your target size. It takes a very very long time to get an image resized properly. It really shouldn’t be so difficult. #3 I wish there was a way to line images up. Like the “alignment” tool in Photoshop. Align left edges, align centers, align right edges, etc.
Lisa commented
Fix issue where images, elements, texts become distorted (crooked) when selected with Lasso tool and then resized.
Lynne Stewart commented
This. I work with digital planners and include "stickers" with them. These are simply png images. The stickers usually correspond to the size of a text box or header in the day week planner so need to be the exact size they were created to correspond with the planner fields. When you paste them in they are mostly way too big and pixellated as they are only supposed to be small elements on the page. Could goodnotes not respect the size of the original png when pasting please.
Brooke commented
also please add ability to lock/unlock an image and/or vector element in place. when working with multiple images, it is very difficult to lasso 1 of several images and/or vector elements if they overlap. some of the elements never need to be moved and act as sort of a "backdrop". the use of a "layers" feature like photoshop would solve this issue if you could lock/unlock all items on a certain layer.