Insert New Pens/Markers
Allow users to insert new brushes similar to the procreate app. That way we can completely customize our notebooks with calligraphy and other word art.
Lisa Boudreau commented
I came looking hoping this was a possibility. Too bad. I love goodnotes but it is missing pencil options. I love the brushes in procreate.
Come on Goodnotes! You can DO IT!
Jesse Juarez commented
Please!!! Would be a very neat feature!!!
fredduki luki commented
Spray can brush that sprays the colour like in Paint 3D
Sithu commented
I personally want a crayon in goodnotes
Brianna Henderson commented
Considering this was made in 2016 I guess we aren’t getting a graphite pencil. I will look for another note taking app.
Sara Mathy commented
Aggreed having the ability to download different pen styles would be amazing
Fabian Bojé commented
Goodnotes is nearly perfect.
I only miss very much the option of one more pencil, graphite-like, like in apple notes!!! -
Fabian Bojé commented
Yes, me too I'm waiting for a "graphit"-pencil tool like in apples notes
Harsh Khanwani commented
Gurleenkaur Nanda 17097 commented
Come on. We need more writing tools and graphite pencil is the starting point.
Bree Hernandez commented
Please do this!!!
Tike LeSpike commented
Why did I pay for this App when it doesnt even offer a single pencil like the free apple notes
Anonymous commented
Please add this it could really enhance our Goodnotes experience and I also think it would give a lot of new incentives for different use cases and people of various work backgrounds to switch to the app. Not only does it make writing on an iPad so much more paperlike but it'll also diversity the available customizability options and make traditional paper and pencil less sought after. This would definitely be a game changer.
Larry Filippone commented
I agree. Please add a pencil tool.
Te commented
Personally I need bigger range for pen/highlighter/eraser thickness.
2ptt is really too little. Thank you -
Lilly Teki commented
If it’s possible you should add a pencil style pen in GoodNotes, Apple notes has it and it’s amazing. Here is an example of my notes from Apple files, they have the same set of pens that Apple notes have and I used the pencil feature.
Zack commented
Can we please, please get this added? I really love GoodNotes but, like many others, am struggling with the decision to stick with it because the graphite pencil in Apple Notes is just so much better looking/feeling than the pen tools in GoodNotes.
Hannah Chung commented
Also add adjustable tips/edges because I want straight edged highlights, not rounded
Marten commented
Yes that would make Goodnotes " draw-able" finally
Marta commented
look at my suggestion. I think it's good for all of us who use GoodNotes 5.