Text Enhanced
Change the text setting to make it more flexible for typing such as the app OneNote
A few things for text I would like to see:
- be able to change only part of a text to bold etc.
- be able to edit text boxes
- bullet points
- be able to type straight onto ruled paper
- spacing like a tab button

GNotes-Idea commented
I see this as linked to having a fully fledged text editor where the converted handwriting goes directly to the paper itself not a text box that moves around the page. Vote for this:
GNotes-Idea commented
Being able to type directly onto the paper without text boxes, is the only thing holding me back from using Good Notes as my notebook. Please add this feature!
Cory commented
I think the way how Notability macOS app deals with text(typing) input is way more intuitive than the GoodNotes macOS app. Please consider improving it!!!!!
Anonymous commented
- pre-set formatting (title, headings, subheadings, normal text)
- numbered lists
- checkboxesIt takes way too long to handwrite all my notes and I want to stop using Notion... If GoodNotes applies these changes, it’ll be one step closer to becoming the perfect note taking app :)
Jane Lee Hae Ni commented
Very good idea! I thought the same thing..
especially it is really annoying that i cannot type on the paper itself.
Or just add the option for adjusting the spacing between lines so that we can write according to the lines of the notes