Live editing on different platform at the same time
I use GoodNotes App on MAC and IPad to keep my notes. However, when I need to use these two platforms at the same time, it will suffer because the syncing frequency is too low to immediately reflect what I edit on Mac on my IPad. Therefore I have to quit the app and re-open it to continue my work with Apple Pencil on iPad. Same happens on Mac when I need to insert a figure on the computer.
I understand that it will cost a lot of energy(much more frequent request by the application to sync the current work) to provide such a feature. However, if this feature realized, GoodNote would be overwhelmingly better than any other.
My suggestion is, you may add a Live Edit button which trigger the aforementioned mode. In this case, while Live Editing is closed, GoodNotes will not take much resources on network or battery.