Add tagging of documents and locations within documents
It would be a great deal, if it would be possible to tag all documents and (possibly) each position within each note with one or more tags. There should be a tag list for each shelf of notes, such that I can have different sets of tags for each shelf. It should then be possible to open the tag list for a shelf, click on a tag, and get a list of all usages of this tag with all documents and all locations within documents. Clicking on a usage should open the document (in case it is the tag of a whole document) or the document at the tagged position (if the tag is attached at a location within the document). The list of usages should be sorted according to the document names, and if there are more usages within a document, according to the page number. It should also be possible to jump from a tagged position within a note to the list of usages, and then to another usage, and so on.
To tag a note or a location within a note, one should be presented a list of available tags within this shelf. Then, one can select one or more tags, and possible also add one or more tags, which then can also be selected.
It would be ideal, if this approach was combined with folders (and subfolders ...) within each shelf, as is proposed in another feature request. One speciality of this request is, that these folders should be kept separately from shelves, in order that different tag groups can be maintained, one tag group for each shelf.
This feature, would make a great application, as GoodNotes already is, much more valuable. It would make GootNotes also a great knowledge management tool - with only little implementation effort. Looking forward for this feature being added! :-)

Anonymous commented
Also love the previous idea of being able to search by date
Anonymous commented
Would love to be able to tag documents. Is this coming or in the works?
David Berschauer commented
For the search function everything in every note is already indexed and accessible this way. It should be simple to add this feature!
Moral commented
Location will be great
Anonymous commented
As a consultant, I often scan many pages of my notes to pull out subsets of actionable items, such as tasks I've tagged "#customize", "#research", or "#user-training", so I can pull these into my final recommendations or project implementation plan. When I review my notes, I use the text box tool to quickly add my own hashtags near the targeted notes, which allows for precise searching. When I search on the hashtag "#customize" I may get 32 results from a single note-taking session, which is helpful, but I have to go to each one, and then go back to search and click on the next one. Also, this tag only knows where the tagged content *starts* – it has no idea where it *ends*.
Proposed Solution:
While reviewing notes there would be a new tool - I'd suggest a rubber band lasso tool like Photoshop's - that would allow me to select a range of content, and upon completion of the selection, a dialog box would prompt me to tag the selected area. Ideally I would be able to limit the tags I'm choosing from with filters such as "recently used tags", "proofing tags", "action items", etc. and of course "add new tag." That alone would be great for searchability, but the bigger idea is that since we have defined *vector* boundaries for the tag, we would be able to search on a tag or tags, and then aggregate all of those sections as a single new notebook, which could behave like quick notes - treat it as a temporary virtual notebook or save it so we could view the selections in a separate standalone notebook. This would also set the stage for being able to view a notebook grouped by tagged content, with untagged content before or after tagged content, retaining its original sequence. A robust solution would show preview snippets in the untagged content to represent the content that had been moved, and clicking the preview would jump to the content block.
The functionality for aggregation could reside in the search tool where you would first search by tag, and then in the results screen a new option would be available to "combine search results as quick notebook." A robust solution would include checkboxes for each search result, so you could select a subset of the results to be combined.
Jeff Davis commented
Tags and filtering are essential to me. I am hoping to give up Evernote. But Evernote still has some awesome features that I can't live without.
Charisma Riley commented
Here! Here! And #tagging / @mentioning with a drop down of options, allowing tags to be remembered throughout the app, and used in any page. This would be amazing.
Anonymous commented
This will be the perfect app for my Mac/iPad Pro combination if it had the tagging feature! So far, Evernote, OneNote, and Goodnotes are vying for my favorite, so you are so close.
Nick commented
I would like to see some type of label feature that allows me to organize my notes in multiple ways. This could be used to apply custom labels such as “Meeting Notes” and “Follow Up” to a page so that I can easily look for all notes under meeting notes or under follow up without hoping that the search feature will recognize my handwriting every time.
I would also like to see a calendar feature that allows me to easily find notes I took on a certain day. I regularly look back on notes that I took during a meeting in prior weeks on a certain day. Instead of jumping between various notebooks hoping to find them I would like to see a calendar that allows me to click on a day and see all notes from that day.
Lenny commented
GoodNotes 5 is here but without any tagging functionality :/ ?!
Yury commented
Any update on this? Marked as started a year ago.
Stefania commented
Quando? É passato quasi un anno...
Anonymous commented
I like reading my pdf notes or books from the good notes app because I can easily highlight and annotate in the pages. It would be so much better to add tags on the highlights for easy/convenient searching.
Ka Tech commented
When can we expect tag to be implemented?
Roland commented
Hi there, so when doyle think we can expect tags in GoodNotes integrated. t is a vryimportant feature for me. cheers Roland
Ivan Zorkic commented
I would love to be able to add tags to my notebooks and use that to group them in various ways. Sure, you can use categories, but it's not the same - tags allow a notebook to "belong" in different groups (for example one note can both be "important" and "good idea").
Angus commented
It would be pretty trivial to change search so it can search for #tag. Then you’d have tag support!
Anonymous commented
It would also be great if each page would receive an automatic searchable time, date and location (using same place name system as Apple Maps) stamp. It is sometimes easier to find back notes this way in addition to tags. I often need to cross-reference notes: discussed topic A with counterpart X. In which notebook should I file it? A or X.
Anonymous commented
It would also be great if each page would receive an automatic searchable time, date and location stamp. It is sometimes easier to find back notes this way in addition to tags. I often need to cross-reference notes: discussed topic A with counterpart X. In which notebook should I file it? A or X.
Anonymous commented
This is my top suggestions as well, so I'm happy to see it has been started. What is critical for me is to be able to tag locations within documents, not just the document as a whole. I take notes in many different settings and use the folder structure of Goodnotes extensively. Bookmarks are great for finding something within one documents. Now we need a tool to find something across ALL documents. Thanks for considering this and getting it underway.