Don't highlight over highlight
Please implement the feature to combine two highlights and to not allow highlight over a highlight. It drives me crazy every day if I mistakenly lift the pencil and highlight again.

Fiona commented
I like to use Goodnotes to color and I prefer to use highlighter to do so. It’s exceptionally difficult though since I can’t lift my pen while coloring.
シャール commented
this should get more attention. When you draw lines with the highlighter, the overlapped part becomes darker and it ruins the design! Please make it better thanks😆
Chiara commented
I would appreciate an option for that, so you can choose whichever is better for your current document.
Phoenix Meadowlark commented
Having a non-additive highlighting mode would be very nice for creating arbitrarily shaped highlighter fills too, in addition to making highlighting blobs of text easier!
For behavior when highlighting with a different color, either respecting the original highlight, or overwriting it have their pros and cons. I'd lean toward respecting the old highlight.
Crystal Chi commented
Yes!! It drives me crazy as well. Please implement an option to have a "single layer" highlight!!!!!