Expandable folder/file list
If there was one thing I could change or add to it would be the library view, I don't particularily like the virtual bookshelf that so many apps use. I'd much prefer a simple expandable folder/file list, ideally sortable on file name and revision date.

Alexia Rondeau commented
I don't get why this was suggested in 2013 and it is not yet done! It would make the App much more convenient... I'm considering switching to Sorted, because of that. Couldn't we have the choice between different options? On my Mac, I can choose to view my files in the Folder in a list, in columns or as a gallery. This is so much more convenient!
Anonymous commented
Completely agree!
Christian Jensen commented
Couldn't agree more - with many notes, the current layout becomes confusing to use, so having them in a list would help a lot - Note Taker HD does this sweetly and efficiently, but GoodNotes is way better in many, many other ways!
Rebolledo commented
again, I add a comment on this point : it is really a thing that has to be improved in the design of this really nice app
Anonymous commented
While the bookshelf design is ok for high schoolers or some Uni students with a few notes, I completely agree that with the current version of GoodNotes (4.3) it is extremely difficult to navigate through a large amount of notes. I have many (in some cases hundreds) of medical notes per category and one of the biggest drawbacks is the compulsory thumbnail/bookshelf design. I know for some reason many apps love this new bookshelf design (probably for a similar feel to iBooks?) but ONLY having this option is highly impractical for heavy users of GoodNotes. On the whole this app is one of the best and the text recognition is groundbreaking. But if I can't access my notes quickly and efficiently I am entertaining the idea of switching to a simpler but more navigable note taker (temporarily until the feature is added).
PLEASE add an option for viewing your notes as lists. I know many users and professionals will love this app more for the structure and efficiency.
mh commented
I'm OK with the current library view (IOS 7) - it's clean, unlike (!) the old 'bookshelf' display. For small numbers of files it's adequate, and it's helpful to have the visual thumbnails (I create distinctive, personalised covers for notebooks).
But it would be helpful to also have a list view, with disclosure triangles for sub-folders. Please. If I were handling more than eight or nine files in a (sub-) category, list view would be preferable to a scrolling thumbnail view.
Rebolledo commented
+1 for this idea !! I hate the bookshelf... It is absolutely not nice to use. I prefer a folder/file list maybe with an apercu. It is almost the unique thing that I prefer in NoteTaker app. For all the other things I do prefer GoodNotes but this point is very unfriendly for me (sorry for my english... I am french)
dido commented
The "bookshelf" like in other Apple-Apps looks a little bit too sweet!
ryan commented
I'm assuming this feature addition would also allow "sub-folders" then as well. Currently Goodnotes only allows 1 level of folders that I'm aware of.
M commented
Yes this is an area of weakness and makes it painful trying to find documents when the virtual bookshelf only shows a limited segment of the file name. The fix/option of a file list can't be that difficult to create