Add support for owncloud

Linda commented
Today, air conditioning is an important part of modern life and is used in a variety of settings such as homes, offices, hospitals, and automobiles to provide comfort and improve indoor air quality.
Florian Schmidt commented
as a german student whose university uses owncloud, that would be excellent!
Anonymous commented
Goodnote support for owncloud would be excellent. I teach at a German university and owncloud is the university cloud service for all employees and students. I believe to use goodnotes with owncloud would be the preferred solution for most people in the university because it is an internally-hosted secure cloud service and in addition it is free and open source ...
Tim commented
Wohle be great, indeed.
Anonymous commented
Pleassssse , goodnotes sync with owncloud !!!
open source your mind !!!! -
ella commented
please add owncloud, i am already to much stuck with dropbox and i want to leave dropbox
Anonymous commented
Please add Owncloud/Nextcloud support!
Detlev commented
Please add owncloud support.
Peter commented
Please add ownCloud (Notability already has ownCloud Support)
Jörg Hinrichs commented
Please add onwcloud/WebDAV
Anonymous commented
Please apd owncloud
Anonymous commented
Please add onwcloud/WebDAV
Peter commented
Please enable onwcloud/WebDAV otherwise we are not able/allowed to use it for our company.
Anonymous commented
We really need this feature...
Joey commented
owncloud/WebDAV is essential for business use, since data policy for a lot of (German at least) companies does not allow data storage on US or foreign systems.
Please add onwcloud/WebDAV
Piotr Synowiec commented
Would be great to have specially that this is self hosted service as well
Anonymous commented
I had a meeting with a client for which we evaluated different note-taking apps. GoodNotes was the most-liked in terms of UI and functions however they decided to go for Notability as it has integrated Ownloud/Nextcloud/WebDAV support.
Adding WebDAV support to GoodNotes would surely open a whole new customer segement to GoodNotes!
Fernando commented
General WebDav support would be great. So owncloud or any other solution would be possible. Thanks !
Daniel commented
yes, please add ownCloud!
H.N. commented
Please add OwnCloud