Open PDF directly instead of import
Would be great to have the option to open PDF files directly, e.g. from iCloud Drive. After some edits were applied, save the changes in the file directly.
I‘ve organized all my files in iCloud. Using Good Notes I always have duplicates and there’s a noticeable amount of work to keep them synced, besides that the export flattens the PDF so no further edits are possible.
Nam L commented
I've stopped using Goodnotes b/c managing separate file has become too cumbersome.
I've starting using the free pen tool in Adobe Acrobat and while it's nowhere as good as GoodNotes, managing one file is less cognitive load.
Dwong commented
I want it to! Shout out for you!
Just like softwares such as ithoughts where you can just import directly which saved a lot of work.
Otherwise there would be two different workspaces. After adding up this function, This would really be a great selling point!!