Allow users to put comments on different layers. It would be helpful if these could be turned on/ off, or have their transparency % adjusted like in the Photoshop Touch application. Selecting annotations on one layer only or locking others would be useful as well.
Anonymous commented
I use GoodNotes as a "whiteboard" in online lectures. It would be perfect to have more layers, for example in order to have a basic "picture" prepared before the lecture starts, which can then be added, commented or completed within the lecture without destroying the original one.
Julia commented
Please add the possibility to draw on different layers. It would be helpful both for notes and drawings, to be able to draw and edit in different layers.
Tosha Eberhart commented
Add a lock feature like keynote that allows you to lock an image or text layer. That you can’t move, lasso, highlight unless you unlock it yourself.
Anonymous commented
I use GoodNotes for business files. Layers would be priceless! I could record on one level, comment on another and be able to turn comments off when sharing with the customer. Part recommendations on another. This would leave all records for that visit totally in one document. W/opacity variables would be great as I could create overlays for the customer to so they can see actually visualize the modifications we are suggesting. Please add layers & hyperlinks to websites and or email.
Anonymous commented
Using Layers, like in drawing apps, we could turn on and off the things we want to see in that page. This feature would help in exercises for example, where the answer can be hidden when you are re-doing an exercise
Dirk commented
please ad layers! It would be great to have laysers with opacity too!
Anonymous commented
LAYERS will be awesome. please please let there be layers on goodnotes
Anonymous commented
Layers are vital to making Q&A notes. Had there been layers, I could put questions and answers on different layers, and hide answers easily. This is the last thing I'm looking forward to in GoodNotes.
Anonymous commented
As a new user, I'm surprised layers wasn't the first thing implemented, maybe this isn't for tech drawings.
Joe commented
We WANT layers!!!!!!!! Waited so many YEARS already!!!
Anonymous commented
Layer is a must have!
Anonymous commented
Add capability to use layers so that images can be colored in different layers and add a paint tool with hundreds of color options. A note and paint app all in one
Macdaddy commented
In version 4, I tried to create my own "layers" through a workaround. The app built "layers" in the order items were created - so, for example, if I drew an object in one color, then a different type of object over top of it in another, the second object would be "on top" of the first. If I wanted to switch the layering of those objects, I would just select the first object, cut it, then paste it and it would then move to the top. It appears as those version 5 has removed the ability to do this?
Ethan commented
Please add!!! Also ability to deselect layers.
Janelle Montalvo commented
My problem is the layers work sometimes the way I need them then the exact opposite a second later. Is there a way to control this? It worked a second ago I can even return o the previous work and see that it was functioning to my needs. !!! Please help
Mikel8v commented
Yes please
Shanna commented
I'd like the ability to lock a "layer" of text, or image. Ex: if I draw a line to make sections on my paper, I'd like to lock it to the page so if I write or paste an image over it, it stays locked if I need to erase later. I'd want to have the ability to unlock if necessary as well.
Claire Bellmonte commented
I have installed Adobe Photoshop software for editing photos. If anyone knows about Adobe Photoshop just follow
Anonymous commented
Yes please to layers! That is all!
Anonymous commented
Great feature if it comes!