Presentation mode through wifi (indicated URL in web browser)
Presentation mode through wifi (indicated URL in web browser).
The presentation mode is available through Apple TV and an HDMI cable. It would be great to present the screen of Goodnotes wirelessly to an external screen, such as a digital whiteboard.
The app "Airsketch PRO" has this feature by typing an indicated URL in the webbrowser of the external screen. Bringing this feature to Goodnotes makes presenting much more flexible. No need for an Apple TV and without a cable you can walk further away from the external screen.

Anonymous commented
Goodnotes is great app for taking hand notes, I love it.
Would be better to get the presentation over Wifi (e.g. over browser), and much better if I could stream it straight to Youtube or use Skype, Whatsapp to video conference. Please think about it ASAP, really miss this feature. Thanks :)