Improve apple pencil speed
Since ios 13 the notes app with apple pencil has less latency, going to goodnotes again seems so slow in comparison

The Apple Pencil latency is also down to 9ms in GoodNotes. However, GoodNotes doesn’t use “stroke prediction” which will make the line look “slower” than in Apple Notes when drawing longer lines quickly. It won’t affect the usual writing experience. Do you notice a higher latency when you’re writing as well?
Joe commented
To fix this just simply add a bit of software that predicts the next location of the Apple Pencil for the next 9ms (or however long is needed) then it will be smooth to write on (like how apple does on their “notes” app.
Until this happens, Goodnotes remains worse than apple notes - a note taking app must take notes well!
Michael Fortunato commented
I'd argue this is critical. When I write in Apple Notes, there is no perceived latency whatsoever. It truly was the last barrier to replacing analog notebooks. Goodnotes 6 **still** has quite noticeable latency when writing--The line simply does not keep up with the stylus tip. (I am on Ipad m4 pro 18.1).
I understand the desire to not open source the code base and accept 3rd party contributions, but it would be a huge win for goodnotes to finally eliminate the writing latency and thus totally obviate the need for paper notebooks. It is in my mind the last frontier here. I am a developer (C and Rust), so know performance a bit. I imagine a few possibilities:
1. Goodnotes 6 has surrounded the PencilKit API with abstractions/indirection that have hurt performance at the benefit of increasing code readability.
2. Goodnotes 6 has alter the behavior of line strokes to simulate its different pen styles. For instance, the fountain pen in Goodnotes 6 may be achieved by alternating the default PencilKit stroke to achieve the goodnotes 6 stroke.
3. Goodnotes 6 is using the apple PencilKit API as intended and apple has hidden optimizations in its native notes app to eliminate latency.Whatever the reason, I think securing the stroke "feel" in a notetaking app should be the first and foundational goal. If Goodnotes has not chosen to use stroke prediction as the moderator in 2019 explained, then it should offer an option to turn it on.
Jared commented
This is literally so important--the whole experience of note-taking is affected, which is what this app is built to do! Why is there such a significant difference in writing experience between Apple Notes and GoodNotes?
There is imperceptible lag in Apple Notes and makes you feel confident in your writing on iPad with Apple Pencil.
Please figure it out Goodnotes!!
Hidlsh commented
5 years later and we still need this. I currently use the Apple Pencil Gen 2, on my iPad Air 4. The speed at which the pencil writes at on the Notes app is better than on Goodnotes 6. It’s almost like a 5-10 ms delay difference that you can notice when writing.
Attached Video is what we mean. Video credit to u/firefright8142 on Reddit.
Kedar Punagin commented
please improve apple pencil speed
Anonymous commented
For what it’s worth I definitely perceive this difference and write better in apple notes. Is there a technical limitation that causes this?
Anonymous commented
Goodnotes5 latency issue
Anonymous commented
Apple notes
Anonymous commented
Yes goodnotes5 has higher latency than apple notes and when I saw higher it's twice as slow in goodnotes5. To measure this I used a slo-mo camera at 960 fps and drew a zig Zag line - apple notes rendered the lines twice as fast. Goodnotes was lacking behind. It would be really nice if goodnotes could start using the apple prediction library to reduce this - if goodnotes does this it will be a game changer in the pro writing industry.
Mike Shun commented
I noticed the same problem.
I'm not sure if its the Apple Pencil latency issue alone, perhaps syncing notes can also increase the latency of writing? -
Philipp commented
I also compared the writing in Apple Notes with GoodNotes. As you described, the line looks slower in GoodNotes. I also noticed a higher latency in GoodNotes compared to Apple Notes. In Apple Notes the writing feels more natural and like writing with a pencil on real paper. I would be very happy, if you are able to improve it.
By the way, the new update is amazing. I am a teacher an enjoying the presentation mode and the dark mode -
Will G commented
Yeah its pretty noticeable, the line appears to drag whereas on the notes app it appears pretty much instantly behind the pen