Create temporary margins that could be handled easily
Sometimes, I draw a graph on the left-hand side of the paper, and I want to use the blank space on the right to continue writing. But if I write there, I have to move the zoom box myself at every new lines (otherwise, I'll be writing on my graph!). It would be great to be able to set a “temporary left margin” to be more efficient.
The next step would be that the app automatically detect that there is a drawing on the left, and automatically knows not to go completely to the left side of the page while going to the next line

Ariel commented
This seems to be what the glyphs on the left-hand side of the zoom box top bar do. Unfortunately they only control the left margin line--a margin line on the right hand side would be nice.
MarK commented
I think this could also be achieved by moving the zoom box down only, say, 2/3 of its height. Or, in other words, showing in the top and bottom margin of the zoom box the surroundings of the zoom box. The indentation would still have to be done manually, but it would be easier to guess.
This can be set in the setting of each template (click on "modify" in the top right corner and then on the three dots below the name of the template). I found that a line height of 39 advances the zoom box by 0.75 cm or 1 cm = linehight 54.
Ben Hales commented
I'd like to be able to set a visible margin, or at least have page layout lines including margins, and to be able to set (increase) the size of the box that appears in zoom mode when you are getting towards the end of your writing space.
CSMCF commented
if the "auto detect of indentation" isn't possible, how about a little indentation drag object on the bottom of the top toolbar (which shows a vertical dotted line during dragging)?
The return key would then place the cursor one "line" down inline with that indentation setting.
Whatever you come up with, I agree something is needed. I know I'm not the only one who takes notes or makes lists in multiple columns on a single page. Doing this is a hassle with the current [drag zoom window down every time I want a new item in that column] method.
thanks in advance!
Daniel Leyva commented
It'd be very useful for composing, for instance, curly bracket diagrams and that sort of things. True, the arrows in the zoom box offer some kind of tabulation, but it's clearly not enough. I applaud the suggestion.