Real Student offering Honest App Advice! PLEASE LISTEN!
I absolutely love your app, it has completely changed the way I take notes and I love it!
I do have honest suggestions that would greatly improve this application from the student's perspective.
Toolbar Customizability; The ability to add more than one tools that you often use into the toolbar by dragging and dropping. For example, I really wish I could add more than 3 colours on the main toolbar. I switch between a lot of colours, and it is quite a pain to go into each individual tool section and choose it. Why not drag and drop your most-used tools or colours or preferences? Customizability is very important for students, especially when it comes to being efficient.
Graphing and Shapes Improvements; I like the ability for you to freehand and it will make the shape for you. But sometimes I just want a normal rectangle or a circle. I would suggest implementing an ability to choose to insert common shapes so you can manipulate them the way you'd like, alongside the freehand tool. In addition to the shapes, you should add axis presets much like in Microsoft Onenote. You can add x,y or x,y,z axis and even cartesian planes! For a student, that would make like so much easier. I make many graphs, and the auto shape with the lines just doesn't cut it.
A ruler! Like the ruler in Apple's notes app. I'm pretty shaky, so it would be nice if there were an option to have a ruler on screen that I can manipulate and draw straight lines with! It is lifechanging, trust me!
Implement more usage of the touch bar on the mac application. You have so much opportunity to use all of these new technologies apple is throwing at you. Use them!!
I would be happy to share my opinions on the app at any time. I use this app for school literally every day and honestly, there can definitely be some features that could be added to make life a little easier on this app. I value this application a lot, so if you ever want honest suggestions from a real student, get in contact with me. I'd be glad to share the student's perspective. I have many more ideas too.
Kind Regards,
Jacob Contini
University of Waterloo