Add plain text export.
As a user, I would like to be able to export some or all pages of a notebook to plain text, so that I can process the resulting text further.
Why would you want to convert handwritten notes to plain text?:
- can be more easily manipulated by text editors
- more readable
- easier to share
Existing functionality:
You can already lasso a page, and convert it to plain text. This is great for when you want export only a part of a page. However, converting multiple pages or even an entire notebook to plain text using this feature, will fatigue the user.
Requested functionality:
Please add a plain text export button to the existing export menu, as seen in the attachment.
Use cases:
- Convert 50 handwritten pages to plain text.
Let's say you've got 50 pages of rough handwritten notes, which you want to convert to plain text for further processing. The following estimated processing times result:
Estimated completion time in with existing functionality: 50 minutes
Estimated completion time with new functionality: 10 seconds
- Convert some pages of a notebook.
Just select the pages you want to export and press the export to plain text button.
- Convert a multi-lingual notebook to text.
Select a subset of notebook pages containing mainly handwritten notes in one language. Export them via the plain text export button using the appropriate language specified in the options, as seen in the attachment. Repeat this for every other language in the notebook.
It would be awesome if you could implement this feature!
Similar ideas:
Please don't hesitate to contact me if you would like to discuss the idea.
Thank you.