Google Chrome Extension
It would be great if you could add an extension for google chrome where by you can 'send' something to your GoodNotes ios app.
For example.
In am currently researching for a large essay. I use chrome on my PC and GoodNotes on my iPad Pro. I would LOVE to be able to look at a PDF, or a section of website and 'import' this into goodnotes in the same way you can do if using chrome on the iPad.
Currently, i have to find something i like, then 'send' it to chrome on the iPad, then open chrome on the iPad, then open the page, then find whatever it was i wanted to import into GoodNotes, then go through the import process.
I could cut a lot out byu simply 'importing' it from the Chrome browser on the PC straight into GoodNotes on the iPad.
Other software can do this, for example OneNote.
Sorry if this is a bit confusing, im very dyslexic so struggle to put thoughts onto paper.

Michael Ryer commented
please do!!!
Oryx Conceptual commented
It would be much appreciated. Assuming that the webapp and/or Windows app worked well, this would completely change Goodnotes potential.
ATHENA HERNANDEZ (Student) commented
i love goggling >:) pipi-nipi
Raghvendra Singh commented
making for android
Mishi commented
Great idea! I was just goggling how to do this exact thing :) Hopefully one day you can also view your good notes in your browser, such as Google Chrome. I really like the feature in Evernote.
Andrew commented
Also Firefox, Safari and Chrome on macOS