Possibility to close every open document
A button with which I can close every opened document and even the last open window at once would be very great because sometimes I find it quite annoying when I open GoodNotes and when opening a document the last one ist still opened in an other window.
I would be very happy with a new feature like this.
Maybe it would be possible to do it like this:
if you hold the go back button (with which i can go out of the opened document viewer) a button appears which says something like: close all windows
Thank you already in advance!

Thanks for the feedback. In the meantime, you can try the following:
In GoodNotes > Menu > Settings > Document Editing, disable the option to “Always open documents as new tabs”.
If this is disabled, new documents won’t be opened as new tabs all the time. Instead, you can only open one document at a time, or use the option to “open in a new tab” from the action menu. Tap on the down arrow next to the notebook thumbnail in the library to open the action menu.
Philip Yap Chen Po commented
Yes there is, look for this button.
Alysann Mendoza commented
I agree, it's very annoying.
Sarah Bruce commented
I second this suggestion. I would like to be able to start my week with a clean slate, and have multiple documents open/still have them open as tabs.