Double-page viewing.
As a professional musician, GoodNotes is almost perfect for viewing and marking up sheet music both during rehearsals and performances! In my circle of friends and colleagues, GoodNotes is really becoming our go-to app! We unanimously agree that the only feature that is missing for viewing sheet music is the ability to view two pages at once (like an open book or in Mac's Preview "double-page viewing"). Is it possible that I'm just not seeing this feature?
We’re excited to announce that we have completed this feature. It is now available in the update GoodNotes 5.3 for iPadOS (13.1).
With the update, we added full support for iPadOS’ multiple windows. It lets you do much more than viewing two documents side by side. To read everything you need to know about opening multiple documents, please visit
How to open a new window:
You can now open GoodNotes in multiple windows to view two documents side by side, view two pages of the same document in Split View, or pair it with other apps in spaces across your entire system. To open a new window, drag any of the elements listed below to the side of your screen:
- the app icon from the dock
- documents from the library
- folders from the library
- individual pages from the document thumbnail view
- tabs from the tab-bar
You can also use the buttons in the library action menu or from the tab-bar to open a new window.
Jo Sh commented
More people use widescreen and it would be a great help, if for example 3-4 subsequent pages could be displayed next to each in a way, that if the user scrolls all 4 displayed pages change accordingly.
The side by side view can't do that, because each window needs to be manipulated individually. -
Bella commented
2-page view from one document PLEASE~~~!!!
Bri commented
2 page view is desperately needed on this app not the same as 2 windows. This has started to be make and break for me with this app.
[Deleted User] commented
Two page view would be very helpful for users who wants to choose GoodNotes as an alternative to their bullet journals.
Zaxonov commented
I agree, the moderator misunderstood this feedback :)
Anonymous commented
This did not help me. I would like to flip through like a book and see both pages at once. So when I flip the page I see two new pages in the same journal. Not open multiple documents or tabs. Am I missing something?
Robin commented
And it should be allowed to choose "show the first page separately" or not, in order to display scanned document normally.
Scott San Filippo commented
The multi window workaround - is not acceptable. To be a real notebook, it has to act like a real notebook - we need a view that spans two pages at a time. I need this for my bullet journal template. reviewing the site, people have been asking this for 6 YEARS! Is this just impossible to do?
Benjamin commented
Hi @GoodNotes, the solution you describe is not what is required here.
What is missing is the very straightforward possibility to read a document (especially an imported PDF) in a double-page view, like a book.
This is a very standard feature is every PDF reader, Adobe, Preview, etc.
This is really missing, especially in the desktop app (but also on iPad).
Can you please implement it? It should NOT be hard to do this :) -
Anonymous commented
I wish the same! This would give the exact same feeling like a real notebook: having two pages open side by side in landscape. Currently it’s hard for me to write a real bullet journal like in a analog notebook (Leuchtturm or Moleskine). Opening another GoodNotes windows in split screen ain’t a satisfying solution.
John commented
Agreed. The solution you implemented is not what is needed here. We need to be able to turn the page with a single gesture, not advance one side by one page and the other by two pages. That is simply confusing and over-complicating what could otherwise be a very simple and useful feature across all disciplines--not just for musicians.
Jacob Shapiro commented
The "try this instead" is not really helpful because the whole point of a two-page-at-a-time navigation (like macOS Preview's "View -> Single Page / Two Pages / Continuous Scroll" feature) is that you can quickly see a lot and flick through many pages quickly. If you open two windows of the same document you would have to keep turning pages independently on both windows--what??
Jeffrey Suen commented
It should be allowed to show two pages of the same notebook at the same time instead of only able to show two notebooks side by side. This allows us to read more at a time, or even draw diagrams that can span two pages.
Nick commented
*From the suggester of this feature*
Three things:
1) This is a super roundabout way of doing this and is not what I meant when I suggested this simple feature 6 years ago. If we can’t turn a page like we would when turning a page in a book, it defeats the purpose. Used by a musician on stage, they need to be able to turn both pages in view with one gesture or they will suddenly be caught without the right page. You haven’t added the feature I suggested.2) Good Notes 5 is behind yet *another* pay wall. Users who have been loyal to Good Notes since prior to version 4 will remember having to repurchase the app once already. The same is true of Good Notes 5. However, offering a $1.00 update bundle softens this downside.
3) At this point, musicians or people serious about score study and fluid workflow should just go to ForScore. It may be $14, but you won’t be punished for being a loyal user by being charged for updates that don’t add significant features.
Anonymous commented
Please add this feature.. I'm an emgineering student and having the ability to veiw am example while working on a problem would be great!
Mato commented
Hi, I am an airline pilot and use this app for all preps and docs viewing. I miss double page view in landscape on big ipad pro. I switched over from goodreader to your app, since its ipencil very friendly and it autosyncs with iphone, best. Just double page, for this one still use greader for nav charts, but would prefer gnotes due to ipen as mentioned before. Thanks.
I hope you implement it soon.
Best Regards, M. -
Christina commented
As a student I would really like this feature, too. Not just for viewing. It would be nice if I could see the exercies on one page and directly do them on the page next to it.