Scale imported PDF to GoodNotes 5 standard paper size
When I import a PDF to an existing notebook I have been using for handwritten notes, the PDF size is much larger and makes it so I have to keep zooming in and out as I read through my notes. Please make it so that there is an option so scale my imported PDF to standard GoodNotes 5 paper size to match the rest of my notebook!
cc commented
This is a major issue. I have purchased templates from various sources only to find that the largest pen is practically invisible due to the pdf's scale. I think we should get a screen that says "hey this is really big, do you want to size it down?" and it gives us the option to downscale to something close to goodnotes standard.
Megashub commented
This is still a problem as we head into 2024. Please prioritize fixing this. As improvements go, this one should be simple.
GK GKD commented
Yes, this is a big problem. To illustrate it I attached an image:
You also have to resize the pen to fit the bigger PDF. This is real annoying.