altering the size (dimensions) of pages in documents by adding space or cropping
I like to annotate the articles I read with scribbles, notes, sketches, etc.
So when I find an interesting story, rather than reading the online version, I screenshot it on my iPad, and then select the option to save the whole page as one long single-page PDF, rather than just saving the PNG of the screenshotted image.
Ufortunatly, on some web pages this doesn’t capture the whole page, an so the last few paragaphs might be missing.
Here’s what I’d like to be able to do when that happens.
First, take screenshots of the material that’s missing and save these PNGs into the iPad’s photo album.
Then, with the incomplete PDFs open in GoodNotes, I’d like to add more white-space at the bottom of the document — effectively, the reverse of when you crop an article, since I’d be dragging the current crop marks from the bottom further downwards to create fresh empty space using the same colour as the colour of the page that I’m extending. (Or maybe to have a dialogue that asks by how much longer or wider I’d like to make the document, and whether I want to add this extra real estate on all four sides, or just on the indicated sides — in the example I’m giving, I’d be adding real estate at the bottom of the page).
Finally, once I have this extra real estate on the page, I could paste on the screenshot images I took of the missing material, to ensure that the whole document is there, and that it is rendered in the original font (which it would be, since they’re screenshots).
I encounter this problem very often, and it would be awesome of GoodNotes had the functionality to expand the size of PDF document pages.
As another user mentioned (and I’ll give their request a thumbs up in a minute), page CROPPING would also be so helpful.
Thanks for listening, for the single product I use most on my iPad (I effectively almost live out of GoodNotes, including live lecture presentations with a connection to an overhead projector, etc). And, naturally to read all the articles. :)

Trish commented
I use goodnotes for uni, so I can markup lecture slides or readings. I love that it makes both the document text and my handwritten notes searchable. I dont know how anyone studies without it.
It would be great to be add room around the iparent/imported document to write notes into. My current workaround is to reprint anything I want to add space to to a pdf with a larger page size, but this is time consuming and I dont need room on all the pages, and I often need more space one one side than the other depending on where the important points are. This cant be altered after printing so I end up with a mess of inserted blank pages and stars and symbols to tell me where the notes apply in the parent document.
It would be so much easier to just extend the page in one direction or another and put the notes in as needed.It would also be great to be able to crop down pages to only include the parts I need.
Daniel Zhou commented
goodreader has great page cropping feature, which makes reading pdf very fluent. hope goodnotes can do the same.