Kickstarter-like user pledges of $$$ to fund new feature development
I love that users can propose new functionality and vote on others’ suggestions.
What if users who are really keen on seeing certain projects get up, could also pledge $$ to help fund development of specific features?
It would be a way of us putting our money where our mouths are. If lots of users really want to see a feature, and if we all throw in even a dollar or two behind that feature, then this could give you the resources to pay for hiring developers to implement that idea.
You could even offer an Incentive Scheme — that those users who pledge (I don’t know, what’s a reasonable amount?) $20 or more towards features they’d like to seee implemented, will receive a free upgrade when the next full-version paid update of GoodNotes is released. After all, the money they would have pledged is what would have helped to implement the features present in the version.)
This way, even if the money I’ve pledged towards different features only sees some of my features implemented, I would still benefit since now I’d have access to a free update.
And if I’m lucky enough that others also pledge money for the same features that I pledge money for, that would hopefully give you lovely folks at GoodNotes reason to prioritise implementing these features, and again I’d be super happy to see the features we really want coming out sooner.
Would anybody else here be prepared to pledge a few bucks towards the ideas they’d like to see implemented as new features?