Magnifying Glass/ Reading tool
I have recently begun using the desktop version a lot more since my 4-year-old has effectively stolen my iPad. I love that I can use the app seamlessly between my devices. However, I have noticed that it is difficult for me, especially when using two windows of GoodNotes, to maintain a natural reading experience. I'm trying to take notes while reading a PDF imported to GoodNotes on the left and have my note-taking notebook open in a window on the right.
I would love a tool that allowed users to place their cursor within the text of a document and activate a type of magnifying glass. Possibly with a timer so that it automatically moved at a pace that the user has the ability to set so that one could read their information and then pause and type in notes when desired.
Having to zoom in and then move along the page then try to keep your place when notetaking then back to reading... it feels too cumbersome to me.
First world problem? Maybe. Way to simplify my life and elevate GoodNotes to an even high level for me? DEFINITELY!