handwriting to text--as you write
Handwriting to text--as you write. I love GoodNotes. Total fan. It makes ADD me an organized guy. No easy feat. I like how easy it is to edit a notebook's thumbnails. I love the variety of line width--and the instant undo, which I need so often. But, but, but: Last night my wife showed me Jamboard on her iPad Pro--and I couldn't believe how cool it was that her handwriting got turned into text--as she wrote! So I tried this in GoodNotes. Yes . . . . you DO convert handwriting to text--in 13 easy steps. GoodNotes validates my purchase of my big iPad Pro. (and it's even on my iPhone!) In closing, here's a picky request: when I pull the lower-right corner of an image, the image expands top and bottom. Whoa. Then I have to go see what it just covered up the bottom of. If the TOP of an image STAYED THERE during a magnification (rather than disappearing upwards), one could work with one's pictures and photos more easily. Your fan, Terrill Shepard Soules terrillsoules@gmail.com