External links to and image previews of GoodNotes Pages
Links to Goodnotes pages that you could insert in other sites and apps.
For example within "Roam Research" or "Notion" it would be amazing if you could have a reference link to a jpeg preview of a particular page that would be updated as the page was updated. Then you could have a link that opened that page in Goodnotes. This way the image would be handy and could be updated when required. This would be an amazing way to extend out Goodnotes usefulness within a broader note-taking ecosystem. Sönke Ahrens book "How to take smart notes" advocates taking literature notes in pen an paper and then refining those notes into your Zettlekasten. Having easy access to your original notes and drawings and being able to update them as required would be a great way to marry text based and "Pen and Paper" processes and concept development techniques.