Better Texttool with Tables, Bullets and a better textbox function
Dear Good-Notes Team,
I've been using your app in school for more than a year now and I am absolutely excited. But now I bought a keyboard for the iPad to write less with the Apple Pencil and more with the keyboard. So I would love it if you could extend the text-tool and add things like tables, bullets etc. Things that you can find in every other text editing tool. The textbox is also rather suboptimal. I think you can take the textbox function of Adobe XD as a model. There are different types of text (areatext, pointtext, auto-heigthtext.) It would also be good if you could insert .docx files and edit them in Goodnotes. I have brought some ideas here. But I think that your development team will be much more creative to add more features here. I hope that you will consider my idea ;-)