Vertical reading, horizontal note taking
Hi, I’m a Uni student and often times have heaps of PDF photocopies to read.
I scroll horizontally to read them as they are often times photocopies of books.
Therefore I don’t want to ‘interrupt’ the flow of the document to insert a blank page to take notes on.
I figured that if you could keep scrolling vertically to read but on each page swipe horizontally to add a page next to it to take notes on it’d be a game changer.
Once you export the file all the horizontal pages would just tuck in behind the vertical one it’s attached to.

Punk Ael commented
Having simultaneous horizontal and vertical scrolling would be a game changer. From a UX perspective, it offers an infinite canvas like experience while containing the main content in a linear manner.
So giving @Timo the ability to take notes on a PDF and the inverse as well. Allowing a PDF to be added as a single page of a liner story vs injecting multiple pages in the middle of a story.
This is a huge differentiator vs infinite canvas which requires more pre planning, templates, or refactoring to coherently and consistently record ideas.