Convert a photo of physical notes and hand-drawn diagrams into editable vector
I was blown away when I learned about a feature in the app Inkflow. The name of the feature that I'm referring to is Inkport. Check out this video to see why I think this feature would be incredibly useful in GoodNotes:
This feature would be amazing for note-taking and getting assignments done.
Imagine that students are given a handout in class with questions that they need to answer. However, the problem is that it's impossible to write the answers next to the question because there is very little space given in the handout. This obligates students to either handwrite the questions on a separate page or type them out. Neither of these are good options because they take up a lot of time that could be used to answer the questions. If we had a feature like Inkport in GoodNotes, we would be able to take a photo of the page and GoodNotes would just convert that to vector, which allows us to rearrange the parts to give ourselves enough space for writing.
This feature would be amazing for copying diagrams too because it can take a lot of time and effort to copy them by hand. Sometimes diagrams are too complicated to be copied by hand.
For these reasons, a feature like this would be super helpful to have in GoodNotes.
This feature would help with most assignments, whether they are given in physical or digital format. It's ideal for working with physical handouts, as well as assignments from textbooks. It's also relevant for most digital assignments, because a lot of them are provided in PDF format, which is not easily editable. I love the flexibility & speed that a feature like this would add to my workflow. The idea of "copying and pasting from the real world", as Inkflow puts it, is an amazing feature to work with.
Please consider adding this feature because it will make a big difference in productivity. It will be a lifesaver because it would help a lot with homework, test prep, labs, etc.
Thank you :)

Ramprasad Gopalakrishnan commented
yeah would be extremely used to consolidate the notes I made on pen and paper into goodnotes.
GN user commented
This would be a really fantastic addition, especially for people who love the feel of handwriting on paper with fountain pens, but still want the superb digital recording and editing features of Goodnotes. I would pay extra for this addition! Please consider adding this