Paste screenshots directly into notes without having to upload them from the gallery
I am constantly taking screenshots when I do research and I'm looking to gather them together into a notebook. I want to quickly paste screenshots into the notebook and also be able to add my personal notes next to them or directly on them. I wish I could do this immediately after taking the screenshot without having to go to my gallery to upload the image into GoodNotes. This will allow me to maintain my train of thought better and it will be less tedious. It will make my workflow much more effective. Since right now I have to go to the gallery each time I want to upload an image into GoodNotes, it makes me less likely to do it at the moment I take the screenshot. This creates another problem where I have a hard time finding the specific screenshot that I'm looking for because it becomes buried among many others. It's difficult to tell screenshots apart when the thumbnails are small. That's why it would be really helpful if we could paste a screenshot into a notebook right after taking that screenshot without having to upload it from the gallery. This can be extremely useful for research and productivity! It will help me be a lot more organized too!
This time-saving feature would be even better if expanded. What if users could paste images directly from the Internet (such as a Google Search or Pinterest) into notes by skipping the process of uploading these images from the gallery? These images would still be saved into the iPad like regular images are, not just as links that could be destroyed and result in the images no longer being visible. Maybe they can be saved into a folder in the gallery made specifically for GoodNotes. The only difference is that users will be able to paste the images from a browser directly into their notes, and skip the tedious process of going into the gallery every time an image needs to be uploaded. It's a feature that will allow me to record my notes almost as quickly as I think of the ideas. I really hope it gets added.
I appreciate you taking the time to read about my feature suggestions :)