Make a toggle for simplified 'draw to hold' with only regular shapes
I think the 'draw and hold' feature is amazing for putting emphasis on different parts of my notes, but it's always really frustrating when I'm trying to 'box' something but I don't get the lines perfectly perpendicular so the box comes out wonky. I don't even understand why anyone would want to have a rectangle with a wonky diagonal line ever?
My suggestion (which seems in theory to be a really easy to implement update) is another toggle in the 'draw and hold' section where, once toggled, it only allows basic shapes i.e. only rectangles without wonky diagonal sides, maybe only perfect circles not ellipses, but also importantly only straight highlighter lines (not 'arc' highligter lines).
I understand the point of all these shapes for people taking notes in class, but another great use for these 'snap' shapes and highlighter straight lines are for annotating, so it would really be helpful to have a mode tailor made for annotating where the convenience of snap to shapes/highlighter straight liens isn't overweighed by constantly snapping to a weird sort of shape.