Mind Maps
It would be great if mind maps were integrated into the features set for your app! Something sort of like MindNode. I like how easy it is to use their app for those things, but I use Goodnotes for everything else

Anonymous commented
Lot of time ideas just comes up and i would like to make good notes my go to app for note taking, scrubbing ideas, build wire frames, mind maps etc. Similar to how Miro does, i wish i had mindmap option on Goodnotes to create maps of ideas easily.
yan zhu commented
simply having boxes and arrows support is enough
Anonymous commented
@goodnotes5 I don't care about how many extraordinary features you have when you can't even get the basics done right !
- This app is not efficient for making notes/ mind maps at all because the shape tool could not interpret the hand drawn rectangle properly. I have to use a few attempts to get a perfect rectangle. Why can't you guys just make an extra option for shape tool that has fixed shapes? Not everyone prefer to draw shapes by hand seriously.
- Also I have many subfolders but there is no shortcut for me to go back to the homepage instantly. This makes it not so user-friendly.
I have seen many similar feedbacks here but they were neglected because there were not enough votes! Please vote me up guys. We seriously need to get these basics fixed instead of having some bombastic features.
Leonard commented
Could we have simple shape tools like box, curvy arrow or oval/circle shapes for mind mapping?
Sometime I need to box up my formulas, but the AI doesn’t recognised well my hand drawn shape, and convert to a non-perfect rectangle. This took me to do quite a few attempts to redraw which wasted a lot of time.
I know some users don’t like to complicate this app and would suggest a mind mapping app, how about when we select the existing “draw shape tool”, there is “ready shape” drawer for user to select (something like when we choose insert image, there will be a photo library for to select)
Anonymous commented
Yes, different ready shapes are really very needed. common shapes, arrows,lines like found in Microsoft word or, powerpoint are of absolute necessity. I felt the need for ruler and shapes many many times
Gauravh Raath commented
Mind mapping feature should be added. Makes learning things easier.
Anonymous commented
In One Note you can keep on writing to the right. It’s really cool. I hope to see the same feature in GN.
Valentin commented
Disagree. Keep Goodnotes simple. It is a handwriting app for taking notes and sketches. If you like Mindmaps, draw it manually or use a MindMap App. For arrows, symbols or stamps, you can create your own library of PNGˋs and strore them in „Fotos“ or any cloud service.
Again, please do no overload Goodnotes with dedicated features. It should stay a digital note-taking-app, just replacing the paper. -
Pierre VINCENT commented
I would like arrows and other signs like Skitch app for Ios for anoted sketch
Emily Hegarty commented
I think some of the mind mapping tools will export your mind map as a PDF and then you could add it to your notebook.
Anonymous commented
Never. Use a "mindmap" App instead.
Besides and with my full respect: Mindmapping is overrated. -
Chip commented
Also it'd be awfully nice if we'd be able to make vector-shapes ourselves, e.g. in Affinity Designer :-)
PierreLeRoi commented
Fully agree with Jessie, using diagrams (engineering, modeling for ex.) within handwritten text require predefined shapes. For example, See how powerpoint implements this in its Insert/Shapes drop down menu under shapes.
Royi commented
There is an Open Source project of the Omni GraphSketcher. It will be amazing to have those capabilities in GoodNotes.
The project is here:
Martie commented
If you want mind maps, use a mind mapping tool like iThoughts. Please don't expect Goodnotes to do everything. It's beauty is in its minimalism.
Bryan Ka Yue Leung commented
It is my favourite as I can make mind maps for students assignment
Anonymous commented
I would love this as well
Jessie commented
I am a neurophysiologist and am constantly designing experiments. There are many moving parts and it helps to be able to draw flow charts and mind maps for each experimental design. I know many people have requested arrows, and I just want to ask that in addition to arrows we get dynamic colored text boxes (squares would be fine if they could remain editable in brain-map mode) so that I don't have to lasso things to move them and change how they connect. And PLEASE LOTS of color options and thicknesses with these!!