Export pages as a new note
Use case: I use a "scratch pad" note for general note taking (meetings, phone calls, random thoughts throughout the day), since I find that quicker and easier than creating (and naming) new notes for every little occurrence.
Sometimes the notes are useful and I need to "file" them away for future reference. Currently what I do is copy the range of pages I want, navigate away from the first note, create a new note, and paste in the pages.
That definitely works, but the navigating around part makes for a bit of a clunky process.
I think an "Export as new note" option would be an excellent improvement, and could probably be handled as an option in your existing Export interface.
So on the page where you select your export type (PDF, Image, GoodNotes), you would have either an additional heading or just a new option under the GoodNotes heading where you would pick a folder and give a name for the new note. Then it would just save a copy of the selected page(s) to the specified location rather than exporting outside of the app.