improvements i’d like to see in good notes
- audio recordings that sync to the handwriting (fundamental)
- the possibility to use light or dark mode independently from the system
- have only one color palette for both pens and highlighters
- the dropper tool to add colors to the palette
- edit / personalise toolbar with the possibility to hide features that we don’t use often in a little “+” sign where we can find all of them that one time we need to (this would be AWESOME)
- improvements on the text tool (add the option to write all over the page like in word and not only within text boxes
- infinite page + the possibility to write over two pages
- personalizable eraser size (with a slide like pens)
- add a floating “favourite toolbar” in addition to the standard one where users can put all their favourite features (pens with a specific dimension or color, lasso tool, eraser with a specific dimension) and that the user can move all around the sides of the page and maybe even collapse it to an icon when not in use
- DUPLICATE OPTION (for text, images, handwriting, everything) this way users don’t need to select, copy, hold on a blank space and finally paste, it’s a very long a tricky process if you need to duplicate something multiple times