Math paper templates
It would be good to have some more versatile, mathematical or scientific paper templates. For example, a split page (similar to a Cornell note-taking), where one side is ruled and the other is graph paper. Perhaps, a graph section on the top half, and a ruled or blank section underneath where one could add notes or symbolic work. Also, paired with this suggestion is the echo to add math conversion tools, converting to a display equation with LaTeX. This is the only reason I may choose Notability over Good Notes to use to deliver class notes when teaching. Sadly, in almost all other ways, Good Notes is a better tool I think, but the math conversion and edibility tool as an in-app purchase makes Notability more usable for teaching mathematics.
Ariel commented
You can add your own templates, if you have a PDF or image you like: can adjust the Zoom window return height, if you like the Zoom tool:
What is not spelled out in that article is how much a "point" is. When importing a PDF as a template, one inch = 132 points. (This is presumably because the iPad 2 had a screen resolution of 132 pixels/inch.)I'm attaching a file of templates I think might be useful. You can see the file I used to generate them at