Goodnotes documents cannot be sorted by creation date
In Goodnotes you can only list documents by last date you changed the document, name etc., but you cannot list documents by the date you create this document.You cannot see the creation date and you cannot search for it, too. But for school and university this is so important to be organised. Because of this problem I stopped using my Ipad for university.
Yorre Oshen commented
Of course, the data is there in the meta data, then why not make it available
Yorre Oshen commented
I can’t believe an app made in 2023 doesn’t have this basic function
Dave commented
Also, severely needed while working. This has become a showstopper issue for my continued use. I (and most of my co-workers) recall topical notes by rough date when they occurred or actual (Outlook Date of meeting). Trying to navigate through 200+ pages of digital notes (even though I write the date on each page) to find the date (or approximate date) is not a viable approach. As it stands, using and referring to a dozen + physical notebooks is more practical in this case.
Chris Shackleton commented
I also need this feature, else I will have to find an app with that function.