Hexagonal Paper Template
Having a hexagonal would make chemistry note taking so much easier. Especially in higher level chemistry since there are so many different compounds you have to learn.

Ariel commented
You can add your own templates, if you have a PDF or image you like:
https://support.goodnotes.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000115295-Adding-custom-templates-to-the-template-library(You probably have a source of hex paper; if not, you can find some at https://incompetech.com/graphpaper/hexagonal/)
You can adjust the Zoom window return height, if you like the Zoom tool:
What is not spelled out in that article is how much a "point" is. When importing a PDF as a template, one inch = 132 points. (This is presumably because the iPad 2 had a screen resolution of 132 pixels/inch.)