same document spaced repetition flashcard selection option
Sorry for the long title; I love the flashcard feature and use it every day in medical school and I am being able to study extremely effectively and learn the material while still having free time in my life.
But If I could select certain flashcards within a single document by marking them with a certain signal to allowing me to study the flashcards I made for the first lecture before I study the next classes flashcards which build off the first lectures material. And even allowing me to mark certain flashcards "VIP" cards that amalgamate from all the notebook's VIP cards and show up in their own place for me to study HIGH YIELD info that I NEED to always remember to help me excel on my board exams.
Once again, I love this feature and its awesome and I wanted to reach out and give you a way to really appeal to medical students specifically I think its a huge market plus I always recommend this app over notability, that app is trash.