I would really appreciate it if you could make it possible to add tables to good notes. It would be very helpful, i don’t want to draw it all the time.
Thank you for your attention :)

Nicole Mathisen commented
It would also be helpful if these tables were able to resize easily.
Felix Knop commented
And they should be ex/im-portable from/to other programs. So that copy from web into Goodnotes and from Goodnotes to other applications is possible.
Yasunori Kaneko commented
Table template will be helpful, would be a quick win!
Jona Dauster commented
I'm so glad someone also cares about tables in Goodnotes! This is the only time on my school day I leave Goodnotes to create a table in Pages, screenshot it and then insert it as a picture. It would be great to have a table feature integrated because these Pages tables just don't look as nice as if it would be integrated in Goodnotes and they are not editable after inserting.
Please do something Goodnotes!
Patel Apurv commented
Agreed! I can use the table in the McDonald’s Sausage Burrito article, a tasty breakfast that many people like on the American breakfast menu. It is a warm and soft tortilla with smooth scrambled eggs, pork sausage, American processed cheese, onions, and green chiles. also, you can check the whole website which is based on the table type content, checked here:
Lightroom Mod apk commented
I totally agree! Adding tables to GoodNotes would enhance functionality and save time. By the way, how much is a Starbucks croissant? It’s a delicious treat for productivity! visit to know more about it:
talha commented
I totally agree! Adding tables to GoodNotes would enhance functionality and save time. By the way, how much is a Starbucks croissant? It’s a delicious treat for productivity! visit to know more about it:
Noah Kleffmann commented
This feature would improve enormously the experience on the Mac
So Please :)
Daniel Etti-Williams commented
In addition to this a calendar sync like how zoom notes has -
Spencer Murphy commented
Please please please add table feature. GoodNotes user since app launch. Coworkers, co-students use tables for work and school as well. Consistent feedback is to add a table feature.
Thank you! -
Saemaria commented
If it’s possible I only need good notes for my academic life
Ruby Huang commented
Please make creating a table/ cell which stretches with the text an option like in Microsoft word so there’s no need to erase table lines or force the text to fit in the drawn table, much appreciated!
Julian Braun commented
Please make a Table Tool, with witch you can easily create a Table, where you can type into the fields with a Keyboard or draw into the fields with a pencil.
(Sorry for my bad English I‘m German 😅)
Henri Schindler commented
Please add a table option. I would be so thankful.
:) -
Maximilian Mrozik commented
Hey, since I am an student I often use tables to organize myself etc.. I always have to draw the tables with my pencil, while others, that use OneNote etc. can easily add a table, which I would really love in your app. If you added that feature the app would be nearly perfect. Thanks for the support. Max.
David Tran commented
I agree, it would be great to have an insert table like Microsoft word for example.
pR073ct0r commented
In my daily life as a Student i have often to work with Diagrams and some Tables. I always have to draw them. How cool it would be when you have an Assistant for creating Tables and Diagrams. It would extremely shorten the Time for manually painting them when you could use the Wizard in Seconds.
For the Tables: Insert how many Rows/Columns you need, and you'll get your table as scaleable Object. Maybe you can define your Headings in the Assistant.
For the Diagrams: Insert a Scale for X and Y and maybe add the option to be edited manually if needed. Predefine the Quantities for X and Y and how you would name them and then voila. Maybe add the Option to put in some Data and let it show you the Graph.
Christina K. commented
I always have to create a table in pages, make a screenshot and then add it as a picture which is rather unnerving. Tables would be great!
Yogendra singh commented
Inserting a table is missing,
Linking documents through inking is missing,
Facing some issues regarding sudden closing of documents while working.I feels Goodnotes will resolve these issues ASAP.
Ákos Marik commented
We need those tables even if I can handwrite in it. I have to draw every table which is a lot of time.