Long Press To Select A Hyperlink
Selecting hyperlinks require that you turn the pen-tool off, press on the hyperlink, then turn the pen-tool back on. Instead:
Allow a long-press on a hyperlink to activate it.
Alternatively, a double-touch on a hyperlink to activate it.
I can't tell you how many times I've pressed on a hyperlink and end up writing a dot. I have several people I have recruited to be GoodNotes users and this is a frequent problem when they begin using the program ("Hey, why don't hyperlinks work?")
Madeleine Cho commented
I came to make this suggestions! With the growth in popularity for digital planners, it’s super irritating having to click out of the writing/edit mode to click on the hyperlinks.
Notability has it setup where when you use your finger to click a hyperlink a menu pops up to click the link (like the copy/cut/delete/etc menu).