Faster and more Accurate Highlighter
As of today, Goodnotes offers two ways of highlighting. One can either select the text manually, and click on 'Highlight' or use the Highlighter tool with a stylus/finger and freehand it.
I propose a method that is highly common and immensely popular with other simple pdf editing apps. Clicking on a Highlighter tool, which then enables the user to drag across text to highlight precisely. Clicking on a word with the tool engaged highlights only the word; dragging across words highlights the words, sentences, paragraphs, etc. The difference between freestyle/freehand method and this is that this tool enables one to selectively highlight only text faster and accurately without all the stroke-related messes that freehand highlighting causes.
It's a relatively simple feature to implement from a developer point of view. Simply utilise the text layer of the PDF to find and highlight text that is passed over by a finger/stylus.