Guest & IoT Manger records in ExtemeControl
I'm testing out using Guest & IoT Manager(GIM) as it could be an easier method for our students to self on-board there IoT devices. It looks like the most of the device information from GIM does not show up in Extreme Control. It appears that only Device Type, and Group information is visible in Control. Nothing on the provisioner or the custom fields.
Is there a way to get more info into Control on the device from GIM? Here is a test record in both systems.

spicecgx commented
Is this program intended for building data centers? Our company wants to build one, and we are looking for people with knowledge and experience in the area. The company we already work with is Cedalo. They work with High Availability Clusters with Eclipse Mosquitto. You can visit this link to learn more and see how that works. Are you open to cooperation? We want to build a data center that works flawlessly and makes our work faster. We need to include all the customer information because it is the most important information we possess. We need to ensure it does not get to anyone who should not have access to it.
maysaaenables2 commented
The functions and interactions between GIM and XMC may (and most likely will) evolve as use-cases come in, and your observation and query has been sent to product management. If I can get you a better answer, I will, but right now what you're looking for is not currently possible.