Microphone into Bluebox
Hi all,
has anyone worked with mics into the bluebox yet? I usually work with live vocals a lot and try to avoid taking a dedicated submixer for the microphones to a live set. So I was thinking something like the iRig Pre to boost the mic signal. But I'm not sure if the Bluebox inputs work with the TRRS jacks that are mostly for phones/tablets.
Any experiences here?
Thank you!

Vena Zancanella commented
Well, I don't recommend you use the iRig system. I wouldn't say I like it, and sometimes this system causes the bad quality of recordings. Have you ever tried microphones with the pre-boost system included in the device? In my opinion, it is a cheaper way to set the proper pre-boost system. I use these kinds of microphones often for streaming and youtube videos. I suggest you read articles about the best pre-boost microphone models at this site https://asmrmicrophones.com/. They have a piece of pretty good information regarding multiple microphone models on their site.
Nadiya Gayner commented
A small dedicated preamp with an appropriate output cable is the best bet. If you want clean, something like the FMR Really Nice Preamp would work. Also, a lot of audio interfaces have pres and can route inputs to outputs. The cheapest option would be something like an ART tube pre; however, those are not the cleanest and if you have a mic that requires a lot of gain, it is less than ideal.